Technical Resources for Magnets & Magnetic Applications

Magnet Materials Overview Icon

Magnet Materials - Overview

A useful summary of Magnetic
materials & properties.
On Line Calculators Icon

On-Line Calculators

Useful calculators to guide you
in choosing the right magnet.
Magnet FAQs Icon

Magnet Basic FAQ's

Answers to commonly asked questions
regarding magnetism & magnetic strength.
Magnet Testing  Standards Icon

Magnet Testing & Standards

A comprehensive overview of industry
standards & magnet testing methods.
Magnetics 101 Design Guide Icon

Magnet Design Guide

A complete guide of magnet design
engineering & manufacturing considerations.
Rare Earth Data Book Icon

Rare Earth Data Book

An in-depth guide about high-
performance permanent magnets.
Glossary of Magnetic Terms Icon

Glossary of Magnetic Terms

A comprehensive list of magnetic
terms and what they mean.

Rare Earth Magnets

Characteristics of Neodymium
& Samarium Cobalt magnets.

Magnets for Crafts

Tips for crafters to help you decide
which material works best for you.
Magnetics 101 Design Guide Icon

Magnet Design & Engineering

Learn about our custom engineering
& manufacturing capabilities.
magnetic ideas 2

Magnetic Ideas

A complete catalog of magnetic
ideas for the non-technical user.
Magnet Materials Overview Icon

Magnet Materials Comparison

A quick look at different
magnet materials.

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